Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My new book!

Apologies for the long absence, but I've put the time to good use and am very pleased to announce that Hodder (UK) will be publishing my third book, Thinking in Numbers, in August. Stay posted for more details as publication nears!


Unknown said...

All matter is worth its weight in space
Every matter is worth its wait in time

Unknown said...

I'm very excited to read your new book about numbers.

I discovered a few years ago that my daughter thinks in pictures and experiences lots of synesthesia as well. After reading about how algebra was difficult for you because you have a different response to letters than numbers (in Born on a Blue Day), I asked my daughter how her experience of numbers affects her ability to learn math. (She is currently 12 years old and finds learning math very frustrating at times.) All of her numbers are characters and for every equation, she seems to have a storyline of what is happening with the characters.

She explained that when doing subtraction, for example, she sees the numbers being subtracted as being "taken away" to juvenille detention.

Currently she said that her little mental assistant is acting as a police detective and quizzing the numbers of a long algebra equation as to how the equation worked.

I'm curious as to whether you have heard of anyone else processing math in this manner. I wish I knew how to help her more, but I believe that she will have to figure out for herself how best to process math for herself...perhaps just as you proposed in your TED Talk.

If you are interested, I am writing about my daughter's experiences at www.meredithandmerebith.blogspot.com.

Best Regards,

Angela Eaton

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Cool, I'll probably read it after I read Embrace the Wide Sky

Anonymous said...

Hey Daniel,
I loved Born on a Blue Day. Can't wait for you new book to come out! I was wondering... I had heard something about a book called Fragments of Heaven that was supposedly in the works for you. Is there anything to that?

Anonymous said...

Good work, Daniel!

Kim Eden said...

Loved your first two books. Looking forward to the third!

Kim Eden said...
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