Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brain: The Inside Story - Museum of Natural History New York

I invite all New Yorkers to visit the fascinating new 'Brain - the Inside Story' exhibition opening November 2010 at the Museum of Natural History. My Pi recitation record forms part of the 'Memory' section and my books will be available for purchase at the exhibition's 'brain bookstore'.

For more information:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Idea Festival - Louisville Kentucky 1 Oct 2010

I will be a guest speaker at this year's fantastic Idea Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. My event at Kentucky's Center for the Performing Arts starts at 3pm on 1 October. For more information about the festival, and my lecture:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

France's 'Most Read' Books of 2009

France's Express magazine has named my second book "Embracing the Wide Sky" (Embrasser le Ciel Immense) as one of the country's 'most read' books of 2009. On March 16th I attended a ceremony at the Fouquet's restaurant in Paris. A photo of the authors was taken (I'm top right), and yes that is the former President Jacques Chirac in the middle! A very memorable day and a wonderful honour.

Click the photo (copyright Express magazine) to see in larger version.

Le magazine L'Express a nommé mon deuxieme livre 'Embrasser le Ciel Immense' l'un des 'plus lus' de l'année 2009. Le 16 Mars j'ai assisté a une ceremonie au Fouquet's a Paris. Je suis en haut a droite sur la photo des auteurs, et oui c'est le Président Chirac au milieu ! Une journée dont je me souviendrai et un grand honneur.

Cliquez sur la photo (copyright l'Express) pour l'agrandir.