Mi esperantigxis unue antau kelkaj jaroj, de leganto frazojn esperantajn rete. Gxi estas interesa lingvo kaj facilega lerni, kun multaj vortoj de la lingvoj europaj. Kelkafoje mi ricevas e-posxtojn skribata esperante de uloj de tutaj partoj de la mundo. Esperanto estas lingveto, sed vere internacia! Se vi volas lerni pli pri la lingvo esperanto, skribu la vorto 'esperanto' en sercxilo kaj vi trovos multaj mil de pagxoj.
I first found out about Esperanto several years ago, from reading sentences in Esperanto on the internet. It is an interesting language and hugely easy to learn, with many words from the languages of Europe. Sometimes I receive emails written in Esperanto from people from all over the world. Esperanto is a small language, but truly international! If you want to learn more about the Esperanto language, write the word 'esperanto' in a search engine and you will find many thousands of pages.
Saluton el Argentino!
That first paragraph is brilliant, I assume it is written in Esperanto and that you've learnt this language as well! Just tonight I went into BORDERS in Oxford Street - Is where I always end up - Is where I always see that Pakistani bloke but not the doe-eyed darkling dame no more. I was coming home from my friend Carole's film screening at the fascinating Portobello Film Fest. As I walked in, I saw your book on the shelves just as you enter!
I'm currently writing an obituary on the son of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I who passed away in America last week aged 96, he was a distinguished scholar of The Koran and a professor of religion, he authored many internationally acclaimed books on Islam. The reason I mention him is because he also spoke 7 languages fluently!
Saluton Nicole,
Eble unua tago kreos mi kurson por la esperanta lingvo.
Hi! My name is Elton, i'm from Brazil. Well, i disagree with your point saying that esperanto is small. Actually, it isn't. It has almost the same amount of words that english does and everything you say in english you can say in esperanto. Everything around esperanto is about language democracy, learning just a language without any focused culture attached to it. It has a culture, but you do not have to know if you do not want to! However, be happy speaking esperanto and God bless you. Try Gerda Malaperis book, it is a very good book! x)
Gxis Revido!
Saluton el Kanado!
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