Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

I am very proud to announce that I have been elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).


Tanner Schaefer said...

Congrats Dan!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! A very respectable honor indeed.

Aurélie Asseo said...

Congratulations!This very respectable, I wanted to tell you that
your book "Born on a Blue Day" , touched my soul so deeply, especially near the end when you depict your travel in Iceland and your unfolding love story with Neil. Poetical passages revealing untwisted emotions. I read these passages at night when I could not sleep and your words rocked me, soothed me like mystic waving waters and I fell asleep. I would like to share with you this beautiful instrumental music of Jonsi and Alex (Sigur Ros) because it somehow reminds me of your story:

Have nice evening,
Aurélie from Geneva